Thursday, 20 February 2014

CNC Machining at Hemlock Engineering Ltd

In order to produce small and complicated parts of any machine, without relying on a machinist’s skills alone, high quality and reliable machineries are needed. These special parts are very important to be as precise as possible because they play a great role in whichever industry they belong to. Some examples of things or sectors that make use of these very intricate components are watch makers, builders of aircraft, toys and many other similar industries. 

The world of manufacturing has greatly changed from the time that CNC Machining began to upgrade its technology. Before, in order to produce superb output, a machinist’s skill is depended upon. Today, with modern programming and more efficient machineries, the possibilities are endless.

  • Almost all CNC machines can operate for very long hours without stopping, thus multiplying the number of production as compared to the previous manual work.

  • CNC machines can perform with great precision. They can produce a particular component without compromising its quality and uniformity. The difficulties that are usually encountered with manual labour are no longer an issue with these machineries.

  • There is no more concern in terms of number of output, as CNC machines are able to mass produce any intricate part at any given time. With the right programming and coding, a client’s quota can be reached without breaking a sweat.

Hemlock Engineering Ltd

Hemlock is one of the most reliable c0mpanies when it comes to CNC machining in the UK. With a highly qualified workforce and up-to-date machineries, Hemlock Engineering Ltd can offer the best services available out there. 

The engineers at Hemlock specialises in the following areas: 

  • Operation of HAAS Vertical CNC milling machines;

  • Operation of high speed CNC machining of Aluminun.

Machining at Hemlock

  • 5 Axis Milling

The other services that Hemlock Engineering Ltd offers include the following:

  • Prototyping

  • Stock holding

  • Cad cam

  • Quality control

  • Sub assembly

  • Despatch


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