Computer Numerical Control(CNC) Milling Uses

What is CNC?

When machines were mostly precision coded via a data storage medium, they were called NCs - Numerical Control. This was a huge change to the existing standards of the manual wheel and lever type mills.

Since the 70s, computers have aided in the milling process; CNC (Computer Numerical Control) milling is precision cutting and shaping of material usually machine parts that need to be accurate.

CNC is now used not only on mills but basically on anything that requires precision such as laser, plasma, welding, pinning, sawing, routing and much more..

What is milling?

Milling is shaping / cutting of material to a specific shape and size. Without milling, machines would not be able to work, as we know that machines are made up of both big and small parts that need to work correctly. And for it to work correctly, size and shape of the parts are extremely important.

Using the process of rotary motion, when a part is introduced into the mill, it is cut in a way that the cutter is able to "shave" and "sculpt" the piece into precision. The "feed" is largely associated with the speed at which the piece in introduced further into the mill for cutting. There are different types of mills especially categorized into Vertical mills, Horizontal Mills and  Gang Mills (where more than one milling process is needed at the same time.)

Find out more about CNC milling.

Uses of CNC milling

The Use of CNC milling is vast, basically any mechanical structure that needs precision is a result of CNC milling, they could be screws or body of airplanes. They are the reason a cylinder head on a car and the engine block or the crank work together in harmony,without gasket leaks or engine oil leakage.

Without CNC milling, many micro and major parts would not be able to work and function with each other. While these are not CNC laser or 3D cutting, they are none the less very effective and it is technology that allows us to do a lot of things from elevators, cars, trucks, train to smaller things like screws, nuts and bolts.

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