Wednesday, 12 February 2014

CNC Machining Surface Finishing

With more and more innovations created in the automobile and manufacturing industry nowadays, the demand for high precision surface finishing is also increasing using CNC milling. Newer applications in the automobile and manufacturing industry are continuing to be developed and this, in turn, gives pressure to precision engineers. With the demand for supplying high precision workpieces, both the manufacturing company and engineers have the responsibility to increase the productivity without compromising the quality of the workpieces. Both are in charge of making quality products for them to remain competitive in the market.

Surface roughness or surface finishing is one of the essential requirements for any machined products. This is because the surface is the one in direct contact with the stresses, temperatures, friction and corrosion. Alternatively, in aerospace components, the surface does have the direct effect with the fatigue strength, corrosion resistance and creep life. The visible parts of the workpieces have to be finished according to the cosmetic or aesthetic requirements of the manufacturer while the internal parts should be made with the focus of functionality in mind.

In order to achieve quality surface finish, speeds and feeds are considered. Both should go hand in hand because their combined work affects the process of cutting. When calculating for the speed and using feeds, one should not make the mistake of just guessing. Appropriate feeds combined with the right calculation of speed are definitely vital to achieve a flawless surface. Tooling and cutting conditions are the most important thing to consider if you are to talk about feeds alone. Logically, you cannot achieve quality surface finish if you have deflecting or chattering tools. On the other hand, considering speed means sensitively controlling the computer in the same way machining quality is controlled.

Surface quality is definitely a good indicator that could tell if your product is of good quality. The quality of the surface influences the wear resistance, fatigue strength, coefficient of friction and resistance to corrosion of your workpieces. The industry that we have today relates the quality of the surfaces with the level satisfaction of customers.


Using only the best equipment, workpieces can be checked automatically on our programmable Mitutoyo CMM and small or difficult to reach surface features can be measured optically using our TESA VISIO High Definition Camera. All these plus the experience of our precision engineers will put your mind at peace that we only produce high quality components for our clients. For more information about our services, you can visit our website. Alternatively, you can call us through phone at 0115 939 3305 or send your queries through email:

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