Monday, 18 November 2013

Anodizing CNC By-products

CNC (ComputerNumerical Control) has touched almost every form of manufacturing process in one way or another. However, manufacturing companies are not the only ones who need CNC in running their business everyday; companies that need specialized gears and tools need the ramification of CNC in completing the operation of their machineries for their business as well.

A CNC machine is programmable and easy to operate. In fact, one person can supervise many CNC machines because once the machines are programmed, they can usually be left to work by themselves.  Since the first asset offered by CNC machining tools is improved automation, the operation of the machinery has caused reduction of fatigue on the operator’s part – fewer mistakes were made and the operation became predictable and consistent. However, a CNC programmer must have the extensive knowledge of how the machine processes.

CNC has truly revolutionized the way intricate gears and parts were made. It has: 1) formed high accuracy in manufacturing, 2) shortened production time, 3) opened opportunity for greater manufacturing flexibility, 4) provided simpler fixturing, 5) contoured machining and 6) reduced human error. However, a craftily made CNC product will only be at its best when it is anodized.

Anodizing, in simple terms, is the process of coating with metallic material. Digging deeper, anodizing is the process in which electrolytic cells undergoes passivation in order to increase the thickness of natural oxide layer on the surface of metal parts. Anodic films are commonly applied to protect CNC by-products that are made from aluminium alloy, titanium, zinc, magnesium, niobium, zirconium, hafnium and tantalum.

Basically, anodizing is done to make the CNC by-products double its durability. But furthermore, CNC anodizing will also:
  • Increase the corrosion resistance of the products. Corrosion occurs when manufactured metals go back to their natural oxidation states. Since anodizing is the application of thick coatings to metals, the process will literally make the “pores” of the decrease its size. In this way, corrosion resistance is achieved.
  • Provide better adhesion for paint primers. Since bare aluminum is reactive with air, it will begin to reform to oxide to protect itself. However, when anodizing is done, the surface will be non-reactive or inert and this will cause the paint to be more adhesive.
  • Make your CNC product more tenacious. Anodic films are much stronger and more adherent that other paints and metal plating. However, they are also more brittle. These attributes makes the films coat the metal and decrease its likeness to crack and peel.
Here are some of our products that have undergone anodizing:

Anodizing was a very old practice that started in the early 30’s. Over time, it was developed for commercial use. The modification of the process, as it has developed, has made anodizing safe and not harmful to human health. Products that are finished through anodizing are usually non-toxic and chemically stable.

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